Friday, October 19, 2012

Sumptuous Strawberries....

So we found some organic strawberries this week at the Organic Food Market where we shop. This is such a golden find, as strawberries are one of the most toxic sprayed crops in the world unfortunately. So yesterday and today we have had really thick strawberry smoothies which we eat with a teaspoon like yogurt, they are gobbled up too quickly for a photo sorry! But cheer up here is the recipe:

Add to your blender
strawberries (any amount)
Chia seeds (really high in Omega 3 oils and thicken the smoothie)
Frozen bananas (about 1 per person) for those who cant do banana add paw paw here.
Juice of 2 organic oranges
Spring water to fill up to top.
Dates (I use organic dried dates and soak them overnight then I add the date water too.)
If you are not allergic to nuts add one handful of any nuts in.
Blend and enjoy, this can be thinned down with more water if needed.

Also today in my dehydrator are buckwheaties, I have sprouted buckwheat and soaked the sprouts in tamari and salt which I am now dehydrating they make an awesome crunchy salty addition to a salad, sprinkled on the top.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Spring is a time for cleaning out....

So its spring and I am totally motivated to eat more raw food and be healthier, slimmer, calmer, fitter and all those good things.

What is in my dehydrator at the moment?
Pineapple slices, apple slices coated in cinnamon, honey and ground almonds, my almonds which are presoaked to get rid of enzyme inhibitors and are now drying out to be stored for smoothies and muesli and nut milks.

What is in my sprouter?
Peas, buckwheat, fenugreek, onion, and lots of sunflowers for micro-greens and some for the garden, I hope to harvest my own seeds to store for next spring.

What is on the menu today?
A chocolate superfood smoothie for breakfast including mesquite , lacuma and wheatgrass
Snacks on homemade trailmix of goji berries, dried mulberries, cashews, sunflower seed and organic cornflakes.
We did have some junkfood chips for an afternoon snack and some rice crackers too....ahemm.
And leftover sweetpotato soup for lunch
Supper will be a salad with sprouts, nuts, olives adn avo and some bread to dip into olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

What I am learning?
Is all about being "earthed" you can see it here on David Wolfe's talk. For anyone with inflammations, sickness, depression or stress you MUST watch this...

I am not exercising yet as I have injured my hip and bum muscle (which is why I am such a pain in the butt at the moment) but doing my physio exercises and taking my msm, astaxanthin to get rid of inflammation.

Tonight we are giving our little princess some Valerian to help her sleep and thankfully our go-go granny will be making up some valerian and chamomilla oil to massage her with at night.

Ok off to have a glass of spring water and have a playdate with my 2 year old.
Hugs to you all.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

5 ways to get motivated to be more healthy.

1. Watch this cool interview link here on 4 health drinks that will change your health and beauty:
Dr Oz interview with Kimberley

2. Try a new recipe from Linnies blog for wheat free crispy apple tart here

3. Try out the raw lemon tart from here I made one for Mothers day and it was so delicious!

4. Buy something from the Rawlicious shop or website and win. Here are the details:
Bundles of GIFTS in abundance!
Simply shop online, or in our Superfoods-Rawlicious Shop in Westlake and you will automatically be entered into the following: MAY-JUNE LUCKY GIFT DRAW
Gift 1: 3x Tickets to David Wolfe 1-Day Seminar in 2013
Gift 2:
5x Places on our Rawlicious 1-Day Seminar
Gift 3: 5x Rawlicious DVD's

Gift 4: 5x Rawlicious Recipe Books
Gift 5: 10x Goji Berry-Cacao Nibs Superfoods Combo packs
Gift 6: 10x Chia Seeds - Maca Superfoods Combo packs

Gift 7: 10x Spirulina - Hemp Seed Combo packs
So, all you have to do is shop with us!
5. Drink more water, either plain or herbal tea or in smoothies. But we all live in a state of chronic dehydrations, there are studies that show that most illnesses are linked to dehydration. So get drinking, each time you go for a wee go immediately and drink another glass of water. This is an easy way to remember to drink more.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Well it has been a long time since i have blogged, forever infact but also for a long time i have been wanting to blog again, so I am here and going to tell you about some of the things I have been busy doing. In the meantime HELLO again and I look forward to sharing some of my life with you again.