Friday, October 19, 2012

Sumptuous Strawberries....

So we found some organic strawberries this week at the Organic Food Market where we shop. This is such a golden find, as strawberries are one of the most toxic sprayed crops in the world unfortunately. So yesterday and today we have had really thick strawberry smoothies which we eat with a teaspoon like yogurt, they are gobbled up too quickly for a photo sorry! But cheer up here is the recipe:

Add to your blender
strawberries (any amount)
Chia seeds (really high in Omega 3 oils and thicken the smoothie)
Frozen bananas (about 1 per person) for those who cant do banana add paw paw here.
Juice of 2 organic oranges
Spring water to fill up to top.
Dates (I use organic dried dates and soak them overnight then I add the date water too.)
If you are not allergic to nuts add one handful of any nuts in.
Blend and enjoy, this can be thinned down with more water if needed.

Also today in my dehydrator are buckwheaties, I have sprouted buckwheat and soaked the sprouts in tamari and salt which I am now dehydrating they make an awesome crunchy salty addition to a salad, sprinkled on the top.


  1. Hey sweet friend...good to see a blog post again...and thanks that smoothies sounds delish xx

  2. We found organic strawberries and have been enjoying strawberry smoothies for the last two weeks, yum yum :)!!! Funny I first found them the afternoon of nature club after saying I have not seen any!!
